Taylor’s Graduate Capabilities

So I was looking for Taylor’s Graduate Capabilities in the student’s portal as instructed by Mr. Arivom. I went through the stuff in there and decided to start by downloading the Student Handbook and what do you know? I found what I was looking for on page 7 and 8 of the Student Handbook. Click the hyperlink, everything is in there.



The teaching and learning approach at Taylor’s College is focused on developing the Taylor’s Graduate Capabilities (TGC) in its students; capabilities that encompass the knowledge, cognitive capabilities and soft skills of our graduates. The TGC gives students the edge to start and stay ahead. The TGC ensure that Taylor’s graduates are capable in the following areas:

Has a sound understanding of foundational concepts and theories in subject area.

Foundations and skills for lifelong learning – Learns autonomously; is able to acquire and manage information, comprehends a wide variety of literature and has an awareness of contemporary global issues.
Problem-solving skills – Defines issues or problems well; analyses problems comprehensively; applies knowledge effectively and applies theory to practice; is able to think critically and arrive at workable and effective solutions.

Communication skills – Speaks and writes well; is able to organise, synthesise and present information effectively
Interpersonal skills – Understands team dynamics, the power of teams and teamwork; Works with others in a team; is able to assume leadership in small and/or big groups
 Intrapersonal skills – Manages time effectively; Understands the role of personal image and professionalism at work; Works independently in context of tasks to be completed
 Cosmopolitan thinking and intercultural competence – Forms opinions and articulates views from a global perspective; Has an awareness of and sensitivity to cross-cultural differences
 Technology savvy – Competent in executive keyboarding; effectively uses ICT and related technologies.

Where was I and where do I stand now?

Discipline-specific knowledge. Before I came to Taylor’s College, I only had half of the SPM candidate knowledge because I haven’t been studying or revising after my SPM. For that 6 months, I was on and off helping my dad at the shop and staying at home, playing online games and watching TV, and going out for a movie with my friends once in a while. Now, I’ve recalled most of the things I’ve learnt in SPM and I also learned new things especially in chemistry. It’s not like SPM at all. And although my maths is still not as good as my current classmates, I’ve improved alot thanks to my caring and dedicated maths lecturer, Miss Shoba.

As for cognitive capabilities and soft skills, I don’t think there’s much changes in me yet. Being quiet natured, I tried to improve my communication skills by joining Taylor College’s Toastmasters Club where members practice public speaking. However, It didn’t turn out well because I didn’t know what to say when I got on stage for Table Topics, so for the past few weeks I just attend the meetings to listen to other’s speaches and maybe learn from them.

I think I’m quite technology savvy when it comes to computers because of the online games I’ve been playing when I was free.

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